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Maot Chitim Form

Ma'ot Chitim:

The Beth Sholom Social Action Committee and the Rabbis will collect money, grocery store gift cards and scrip through April 18th for Ma'ot Chitim.  To facilitate donations, please use this form.  If you prefer to send a check, kindly make it payable to “ Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund” and write “ Ma’ot Chitim” in the memo line.   

Please give today.   The pre-Pesach contribution drives ends April 18th.  Please give generously!!  This is a time of immense need! 100% of donations will be distributed to those in need. 

Thank you very much!  Take good care!!!
Chag Pesach Sameach!
If you have a Beth Sholom account, please log in to have this donation associated with your account (gold button top right corner of screen)
Please enter the amount you would like to donate.
Donations are not AGP eligible.


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784