Endowment and Legacy
In May, 2019, Beth Sholom Congregation & Talmud Torah formally launched our Endowment and Legacy program.
Through our relationship with The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington's United Jewish Endowment Fund, we have created an Endowment Fund which is tied to the Jewish Community around us, and which is focused on providing a stable and secure Jewish future.
What is Creating a Jewish Legacy?
Create a Jewish Legacy is a community-wide initiative designed to help individuals and families support the Jewish causes they care about through legacy giving—and ensure a strong Jewish future -- through a variety of giving opportunities that best fit the individual's goals.
Why Is Leaving a Legacy Important?
Ensure long-term financial stability
Take advantage of opportunities for growth and enrichment
Perpetuate the values and priorities of our members and families
Relieve pressure on annual operating needs in a way which simultaneously supports long term growth.
How Do Endowments and Legacies Work?
1) What's The Difference?
An Endowment is essentially the investment of permanently donated funds with the idea of long term growth. Whereas a Legacy gift is often a contribution or bequest that is not invested.
2) How Do Endowments Work?
Beth Sholom has joined the United Jewish Endowment Fund run by the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington. Your donation is invested with the UJEF and our Endowment Fund is then managed as part of the UJEF's greater portfolio. This means we get the benefits of professional management and investment opportunities of a very large fund.
3) How Do Bequests or Legacy Gifts Work?
The most common type of Bequest is when an individual leaves a specific amount, or a percentage of their estate, to Beth Sholom; a Legacy Gift is often an estate-based gift where a program (or room or something similar) is named after that person.
4) Amounts Are Not Pre-Determined!
The size of your gift is entirely up-to you! If you are interested in a "Named Legacy Gift" (where something gets named for you, or for a loved one), then we'll discuss what opportunities within shul would be meaningful to you and match with the size of the gift you're thinking of.
Why Should I Give Endowment Money To Beth Sholom?
Beth Sholom means so much to so many people. We celebrate life's joys and milestones together, learn from each other, share a spiritual home together, and of course support each other in times of sorrow.
A strong Endowment Fund will provide Beth Sholom financial stability to continue well into the future. Endowment money continues to grow, and the shul is able to use interest to either enhance the Endowment or support programs and operations.
Your gift contines to grow, and supports the shul for years and decades to come.
Why Should I Leave a Bequest to Beth Sholom, or Why Should I Consider a Legacy Gift?
A Bequest is an easy gift to give -- it is either a percentage of your estate as outlined in your will, or a gift of a set amount. A Legacy Gift is the same -- but will bear your name (or the name of a loved one).
These gifts help support Beth Sholom, and are often used either to augment operational and programmatic needs, or establish specific endeavors.
Your commitment to a Bequest and/or a Legacy Gift means that you are making estate decisions which include supporting your shul -- your spiritual home -- after you are gone.
How Do I Give?
ENDOWMENT: If you want to contribute to our Endowment Fund now, then please be in touch with our Executive Director who will walk you through the process. Essentially, your donation goes to Beth Sholom, and Beth Sholom then makes the investment in the Endowment Fund.
Leaving a Bequest gift is easy -- all you need to do is stipulate the gift in your will. We've provided a sample of a codicil for your will here that you can download; but please consult with your attorney.
Let's discuss what works for you. Whether you want to donate now or in the future, what program or naming opportunity you have in mind, and what amount you're considering. Click here to send an email and we'll be in touch.
What Can I Give?
Current gifts can be made with cash or publicly traded unrestricted securities/stocks.
Future or Deferred gifts can be with cash from an estate, a pension or insurance policy (by listing Beth Sholom Congregation & Talmud Torah of Potomac, MD as your beneficiary).
Mon, February 17 2025
19 Shevat 5785
Tanya & Al Lampert
"By contributing to the endowment fund we hope to ensure that there will be continuity for future generations . It is our goal that the Endowment Fund will provide lasting financial support for our special community at Beth Sholom. Please consider joining us by making a contribution to the Endowment Fund for a strong and vibrant Beth Sholom."
Ilene & Syd Schneider Z"L
"We have been members of Beth Sholom since it opened in Potomac in 1975. Since then, it has been like a second home to us. It has helped us grow religiously and spiritually and enabled us to make many long-lasting friendships. We recognize that supporting such an all-encompassing religious institution is a financial challenge for many families. However, we believe that Beth Sholom has been, and will continue to be, a significant role model for the future of Modern Orthodox Judaism. We hope our gift will help to perpetuate that role in our community, by enabling new, creative programming; by defraying some of the necessary costs of the shul’s operations; and by relieving some of the burden on future members. We are grateful that we have this opportunity to provide ongoing support for Beth Sholom."
Thanking Our Bequest Donors
Planned Bequests:
Elissa & Saul Goldfarb
Tanya & Al Lampert
Of Blessed Memory:
Bertha Atkins z'l
Jack Golomb z'l
Sidney Sclar z'l
Rosa Selfon z'l
Chuck Wheeler z'l
*we're updating our records, and this list is still coming together; if you have already named Beth Sholom in your will, please let us know!
Who Can I Talk To?
Rabbi Antine (301-279-7010 x 210)