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Our Clergy

Senior Rabbi, Rabbi Nissan Antine

Rabbi Nissan Antine grew up in Cleveland, Ohio and graduated, summa cum laude, from Case Western Reserve University with a B.A. in Philosophy and Religion. He received his ordination from YCT Rabbinical School in 2006. Before entering rabbinical school, Rabbi Antine studied in various yeshivot in America and Israel and he was a fellow of the Torah Metzion Kollel in Cleveland, Ohio. Rabbi Antine is the Senior Rabbi of Beth Sholom Congregation in Potomac Maryland. He is also currently the president of the International Rabbinic Fellowship, a rabbinic organization with over 180 members. Rabbi Antine was a fellow at CLAL, an interdenominational Jewish think tank, and is very passionate about making the messages of Judaism relevant to Jews across the religious spectrum. Rabbi Antine is married to Sarah Antine. They met in a logic class and began their relationship studying the Book of Kings. They are blessed with three beautiful children, Johanna, Amollia, and Reuven. To contact Rabbi Antine, call the shul at 301.279.7010 x210, or email him at

Associate Rabbi, Rabbi Eitan Cooper

Rabbi Eitan Cooper grew up in South Orange, New Jersey and after attending Yeshivat Orayta, graduated summa cum laude from Brandeis University with a B.A. in Near Eastern Judaic Studies and Psychology. He spent two years learning in Israel at Yeshivat HaKotel and Pardes, and received his ordination from YCT Rabbinical School in 2019. He has served as a Rabbinic Intern and Co Youth Director at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, as well as a guest educator at YIOZ (Young Israel Ohab Zedek). In addition to his rabbinic education, he worked for six years for Rosov Consulting, a company specializing in research and evaluation for Jewish foundations and non profits. He holds a MA in Survey Research from the University of Connecticut. Rabbi Cooper is married to Dita Cooper, who teaches Judaics at Berman Hebrew Academy's upper school. They are blessed with three sons, Noam, Itai and Lior, and a daughter, Yael. To contact Rabbi Cooper, call the shul at 301.279.7010 x209, or email him at

Rabbanit Hadas (Dasi) Fruchter, Halachic Advisor for Niddah and Women's Health

Rabbanit Hadas (Dasi) Fruchter is the founder and spiritual leader of the South Philadelphia Shtiebel, a new and inclusive Modern Orthodox community in South Philadelphia. Rabbanit Fruchter also holds the position of Halachic Advisor for Niddah and Women's Health at Beth Sholom Congregation. She has served as an Assistant Spiritual Leader at Beth Sholom Congregation and Talmud Torah in Potomac, MD, the largest Modern Orthodox Congregation in the Washington Metropolitan area.Originally from Silver Spring, Maryland, Rabbanit Fruchter was ordained by Maharat in June of 2016 upon completion of the Maharat Semikha Program combining a mastery of the texts of Orthodox Jewish law with pastoral education. She graduated summa cum laude from the Macaulay Honors College at Queens College, and completed an M.P.A. in Non-Profit Administration and an M.A. in Jewish Studies from New York University's Wagner School of Public Service.

She is a Wexner Graduate Fellow/Davidson Scholar and was the Program Director at ImmerseNYC, New York’s only community mikvah project, in addition to teaching brides and grooms before their weddings. She completed a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at the Hebrew Home for the Aged in Riverdale and was trained in community organizing through the Jewish Organizing Institute and Network (JOIN) Seminary Leadership Project.  Rabbanit Fruchter is married to Daniel Krupka. To contact Rabbanit Fruchter, email

Rabbi Emeritus, Rabbi Joel Tessler

Rabbi Tessler has a B.A. in history from Yeshiva College, a M.S.W. from the Wurzweiler School of Social Work and Ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary in 1982. Rabbi Tessler is a past Vice President of the Rabbinical Council of America, and a member of its Executive Board. He is the Rabbi Emeritus of Beth Sholom Congregation in Potomac, Maryland after having been Beth Sholom's Rabbi for almost thirty years. Rabbi Tessler and his wife Aviva cohosted a weekly radio show "Torah Talk with the Tesslers." He has done extensive work with the elderly, adolescents, and families, and he is the author of "The Rabbi's Role as a Caregiver" for the book "The Rabbinate - A Calling and a Vocation." Rabbi Joel and Aviva Tessler are the parents of two grown children, Roniel and Saphira. Saphira is living in Israel and married to Aviad Greenberg.

Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785