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Rabbi Nissan Antine
Rabbi Eitan Cooper
301-279-7010 #210
301-279-7010 #209
Rachel Lang, Executive Director  
Stevie Friedman, Director of Events & Building Services
Arene Windolph, Bookkeeper
Kathryn Gainor, Office Coordinator
301-279-7010 #208
301-279-7010 #206
301-279-7010 #225
301-279-7010 #200

For questions on who to contact, click here. 

Contact Us

Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm  
Note: office hours may vary due to holidays.
Get in touch! 
Main phone: 301.279.7010
Fax: 301.279.5815
11825 Seven Locks Road
Potomac, MD 20854
When there is a serious illness or death in the family, please contact our clergy:
During office hours call 301-279-7010:
Rabbi Antine (x210)
Rabbi Cooper (x209)
Board of Directors
Beth Sholom has an established Board of Directors that oversees governance of the congregation. For more information on the Board or to contact them, please contact the office and we will forward your inquiry as appropriate.
Using the building
All events held in our building must be cleared with the office in order to coordinate space usage and ensure availability. This applies to all events, including classes, special programs, lifecycle events such as Bnai Mitzvot, birthdays, or weddings. To plan an event at Beth Sholom, please email Stevie Friedman
Beth Sholom Early Childhood Center
Netali Goldman, Director
Meredith Salamon, Assistant Director/Curriculum Specialist
Heather Strauch, Administrative Director
301-279-7010 #212
301-279-7010 #224
301-279-7010 #214
Mon, February 17 2025 19 Shevat 5785