Torah, Rashi and Commentaries Mondays 1:30 pm
The Rashi and Other Commentaries Class at Beth Sholom has been studying the Chumash in depth. We have turned our attention to The Wisdom Literature of the Torah and the Apocrypha. The Wisdom Literature includes Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Book of Job, some of Psalms, and the Song of Songs. From the Apocrypha we will look at Ben Sirah, the Wisdom of Solomon and the Book of Baruch. We will also discuss the wisdom literature of Israel's neighbors. We will continue to use the extremely wide range of interpreters available.
These include Talmud and Medrash, classical commentaries and modern commentators, translators and academic studies.
We are now studying ספר הישר which is a retelling of the Torah.
All are welcome to join us on Monday's at 1:30 in the Beth Sholom library for the class. No background in these topics is required.
Questions, contact
Rabbi Antine: 9:30 AM - Parshah class
Talmud with Rabbi Kawior: Tuesdays 9:30pm
Kabbalah and Chassidut
Wednesday at 11:30 AM
Join Rabbi Antine in his study for an informal class on Kabbalah and Chassidut The material will often relate to the weekly parshah or upcoming holidays. The texts that we will study ask some of the big questions in Judaism: What is the nature of G-d? How does revelation work? Why is the point of Prayer and Mitzvot. Please email if you would like to be put on the class email list.
Drop-In Chevrutah
Thursdays - 2:00 PM
A group of interested Jews who discuss (or just listen) to recorded lectures delivered by rabbis, scholars and other experts on a wide variety of subjects. All are welcome. Questions? Contact Rabbi Cooper
Shabbat - 15 min after Kiddush
Special Classes 15 Minutes After Kiddush
Over the course of many Shabbatot, special classes are given 15-20 minutes into the beginning of Kiddush. Interested in a particular topic? Let us know--we are excited to learn with you.